Alaska Revisited

June 29, 2005

The clock on our night table was a bit fast, about a half an hour fast. So, I got up earlier than I thought, and got Trude up around 8am. We ordered breakfast from room service and had a very leisurely morning in our suite. We got to the ferry terminal for Victoria a bit earlier with the idea of walking about and having some coffee etc. but as it turned out we got on the 11am ferry instead the noon one. Quite amazing operation they got there in Tsawwassen, BC. When the ferry docked the cars kept driving off from the ferry two at the time, then the huge trucks, we lost count, must have been at least five hundred. Then the departing vehicles drove on. Once again lots and lots.

This was a humongous boat with at least a thousand vehicles. And, of course they were fast all this traffic got in and out within a half an hour. Kept remembering the inefficient and confusing procedures we had at Whittier with a much, much smaller ferry. Well, them Canadians just got it together a whole lot better. The inside of the ferry was equipped with all kinds of amenities. Cafeterias, children areas, movies, lots and lots of comfortable seating, area for your computer hookups, quite a luxurious set up.
Lovely view from the outside deck of the “Inland- Passage” with other ferries sailboats, and cruise ships passing by us. Once again we were lucky with beautiful sunshine, warm and not too windy weather. What fun! Arrived in Swartz Bay, Victoria around 12: 45 pm and we drove off the ferry in no time. Very efficient operation!
After a bit of meandering due to my navigational skills or rather lack of it we arrived at our first destination the Butchard Gardens. What a difference from the time I was here. The gardens were in full bloom and with sunshine it was a site to behold. Trude was totally awed by the sunken garden. Well, it was like a post card. I particularly liked the rose garden. It was magnificent.

The blend of colors and shapes, the fragrances, were just fantastic. This time I was able to enjoy the gardens and not snap, snap and run through it. It was a most enjoyable afternoon, and an easy ride to our hotel afterwards. We are once again staying at the Holiday in on Blanchard Avenue just a mile from downtown. We were so tired from all that walking that we took our time and soaked in the Jacuzzi for about 30 minutes.

For diner we drove down to the wharf and had our meal ala natural on the patio of the Milestone restaurant. We had a very pleasant evening enjoying the setting sun, and watching the boats come and go. Later we strolled on the lower walkway and watched the street artist and the throngs of tourists. Once back at the hotel we were done for the day.

June 30, 2005

Sort of a cloudy and rainy morning but we are off to see downtown Victoria. When I saw this part of town last time it was gloomy and not too impressing. Later the sun came out and I saw that the buildings and streets were mostly renovated, and beautified. We had breakfast at starbucks and visited several shops for last minute souvenirs. Trude found the much sought Natural Soap shop and I got couple presents for Cheri and Lois.

Around 11am we took the little Victoria Bay Ferry tour. Once again we were the only passengers and we had a private tour. We got quite a nice historical, and points of interest narration from the captain of our little cable car on the water. These little boats are zipping around the bay like little ducklings.

After the tour we made it to the Coho ferry abt 15 minutes early. Had our lunch left over fish and chips from last night at the only picnic table at the ferry and after being checked out by immigration we drove on to our last ferry ride on this trip.

Port Angeles is not much of a town but very nicely located on the …. Canal between Vancouver Island and the Olympic Peninsula. Found our Supper 8 hotel after a few turns on Highway 101 east and then to our greatest surprise the Italian Restaurant in downtown Port Angeles. Things are not easy to find in this town. Streets disappear, change names, and just confusing.

But our restaurant proved to be a gem! It had a most excellent Italian food. Trude could not stop with the praises and she should know, she is Italian after all. My dish was not exactly what I thought it would be. I ordered Chicken Marshala and it was done with tomatoes. But the pasta they served with it was out of this world. Anyway I got a bit bewoozled, from the glass of Hess chardoney, and we could not stop laughing till we got back to the hotel. Then we crashed. Started to watch Mission impossible with Tom Cruz but them commercials completely spoiled it. So off we went to sleep by 10pm.


July 1, 2005

Today it is exactly one month that we are on this trip, and our last day of sight seeing touring. As tomorrow we will try to zip all the way to San Carlos.

This morning the sun is up and we are planning to drive up to Hurricane Ridge. After dodging a pack of bicyclist and missing our turn we are on our way to accend to 5,300 feet summit. Left the clouds behind us around two thousand feet and the Olympic Mountains were fully visible basking in the morning sunshine. The road was lined first with daises then fireweed, Indian paintbrush, lupines, and marigold like flowers. Just like a painting!
Once on the top the temperature dropped considerable but the view was magnificent. No longer the simple pullout for viewing like in 1978 when I was here last time with Cornie King and some other Appies. The visitor center was quite new and very nice, with several guided walks, trails and other amenities. I clicked away happily at the deer in the meadows and the snow covered Olympic

Mountains. On our descent we met the now broken up pack of bicyclist one or two at the time. There must have been a 25 minutes between the first one and the last stragglers.

Once back on Highway 101 we headed west toward La Push. This is strictly a sentimental journey. I just wanted to see how this little hamlet changed in the last 27 years. Then it was just a few small buildings and some metal huts with some natives working on some dugout canoes. Well it has changed of course. La Push is a real town now, with school, fire department and shops and even some RV park, and camping.
We arrived just at the crucial moment of a sea rescue demonstration by the coast guard, as the helicopter plucked someone out of the ocean and deposited on the nearby coastguard boat. Lots of happenings everywhere this 4 th of July weekend.
From La Push we drove to the Hoh Rain forest. Lots of moss and magnificent old trees. Took a small hike on the moss trail, and had our picnic in the forest. Lots and lots of photo ops.

And this was the last touring stop of our trip. From here on we are pushing south toward California. We drove until Castle Rock in Washington a small town by highway 5 near Mt. Saint Helen. Staying at the ….. Inn. For dinner we drove the 20 yards over to the Mexican restaurant and celebrated the last night of our very very successful and memorable trip together.



July 2, 2005

We made it back to San Carlos, Ca around 7pm a long day but a great day.

Singing off, over and out.

The photographers!

Trude and Agoa




